
  1. littlemorella

    thank you so much Maestro 21 for the “vid collection” Congrarulation Sandro! for the Scudetto. Finally! I say coz you would have already deserved last season for your bravery + your great comeback
    I am so happy esp. for you + all other veterans!

  2. ftlptba

    @allmytcane well that comment isnt exactly true,nesta didnt learn him all he knows,he just im quessing learned him the basic and what he believe he should learn,but not EVERYTHING HE KNOWS!

  3. kakaluca

    Ma che grande Nesta..
    Non ha elogiato giocatori come Ibra, Pato, Thiago Silva perchè si sà, che sono stati grandi, ma ha elogiato Ingazio. Il miglior terzino quest’anno. EVVAI!

  4. allmytcane

    @ftlptba I doubt Nesta taught him everything, but I’m sure he must of gave him a few tips here and there…That’s what I meant to say! Cheers!