
  1. allmytcane

    That was a nice goal but we obviously need IBRA in a bad way…Terrible showing today…Is Amelia any better than Abbiati? Just asking? FORZA MILAN!

  2. 3edcvfr43edcvfr4

    This s very sad.Before we used to have a star in every section of the field.Now group of normal players grouped around one or two stars. I don’t regret letting Pirlo go, becasue that was right move for both sides. Prilo needed a new motivation to play for. He has been inconsistent for about 4 years,1 good match for every 5 bad games. But at the same time, we are in big need for players like Ganso, Lucho G., Hulk.Aquilani and Nocerino have the same qualities of Gattuso Ambrosini flamini bommel