
  1. aafrican

    this was a good game.
    this was the only game wheree they scored more then 1 goal and didnt have to play Defensively too much.

  2. massingstone

    My fellow AC Milan brethen, please dont worry about Dinho not playing. He is not in good shape, doesnt defend and doesnt play with hunger. Flamini and Prince have all these traits. They may not have his skill & flair but they work much harder than him. I prefer them and we are doing very well without him (top of Serie A). Why should change a winning formula? Allegri is doing a great job. My worry is if Ibra gets injured. He needs to be rested. Inters best tranfer, Rafa. He will destroy them LOL

  3. LM10WCSA2010

    I hope he stays, because he can still be one of the best players in the world, he just needs to get set on the right path in order to progressively improve his performances… it will of course take time though, but he still can… his problems are only psicological I think

  4. littlemorella

    Thanks MaestrO for the match hl. Great service!
    FORZZZZZZZZAAAAAAA MILAAAAN! Hooray + congrat! Great team performance!

  5. KarinJohansson

    The goalie might as well keep his hands of the ball when Zlatan scores. If not, theres a chance he’ll break something..

  6. andrew25ism


  7. Method775

    some people expect someone who has played long life attack to go and defend and they expect him to do it liek puyol ofcourse ronaldinho cant defend and doesnt defend and with the way he plays doesnt look happy at all hes going to leave milan at jan

  8. ziyadmilan

    forza milan
    one of the best goles i have ever seen
    ibra you are the best
    but what a shame only 3 goals we can score more

  9. pablojosevicioso

    @soccerfanatic12345 What i meant is… Allegri was kind of punishing Dinho because of his nightlife, by letting him play only 3 minutes more less at the end of the last 6 matches i guess…

  10. cucubogza

    @metalslug13q zittttttttttttttttttto……cosa dici….e sei anche juventino……aspetta moggi te va……ma se vincete solo rubando……zitto……e forza milan!!!

  11. soccerfanatic12345

    Hey Pablo. Its only the match after ronaldinho 3min cameo, so stop using AGAIN. Last season we depended on him, yes he’s good. This season we depended on Ibrahimovic, look where we are now. Ronaldinho has to learn how to play second fiddle.

  12. pablojosevicioso

    @soccerfanatic12345 So, im happy that the punishment is ending, because i know he is sooo good to the team!

  13. metalslug13q

    @XFossaDeiLeoniX cazzo vuoi che il milan è finito. ci do altre 3-4 partite poi crollerà. è crollata addirittura l’inter, che è più forte di voi in tutti i reparti, figuriamoci il milan che è ridicola.

  14. metalslug13q

    ma dove cazzo si avvia il milan che è una squadra di bidoni ibra compreso e lo ha dimostrato ampiamente in champions con il real dove ha sbagliato ogni pallone toccato. gioite ora merde perchè ci sarà poco di cui essere felici.e occhio alla juve che vi ha battuto e anke a san siro

  15. Method775

    its bullshit when allegri says i punish him for hes nighlife my ass just admit u want to break him slowly and ell him at january