
  1. littlemorella

    Thank you so much Maestr0 21 for the Nesta hl. Nesta vids mean so much for me!!!
    Forza Grande Nesta, great performance! Stay + play another season, please!

  2. littlemorella

    According to news papers reports, Nesta said, he wants to stay + play. He has never intended to retire now. Hope, Milan will give him his new contract, now. My wish were a 2 years contract, of course! Forzaaaa Sandro!

  3. Hdiddy4

    Please Nesta, I hope you stay for at least one more season, you can’t retire already!
    Or two seasons more hehe. We need your presence so you can share your experience with the younger defenders, just like you did with Silva and Abate…
    Grande Nesta, forza Milan!