
  1. sjurinho

    @RMadridMilan so who is stupid? the one that thinks ibra is faster than pato? you are so smart! yeah, hahaha. and pato obiviously dived, especially since he was one on one with the goalkeeper. yeah, dive instead of scoring a goal. I think that was what he was doing, idiot. and robin van persie is fast like pato, walcott, hahahahaha, you are stupid. really

  2. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho Oh I forgot, Norway do not watch football nor playing it, because they’re full of goth. Haha, stop hating on Ibra just ’cause he’s a Swedes which a rivalry for Norway. You can’t simply accept the fact that without Ibra, Milan wouldn’t have got in the top, his goal vs Udinese, Inter, Juve, Auxere (CL), Fiorentina, and his amazing assists, ACCEPT the fact that Ibra is the best striker at Milan currently. As a Milan fan, I’d say Pato is good, not there yet, still has a bright future.

  3. CalcioMediaVideo

    @RMadridMilan Old? He is only 21 years .. showed speed against Chivu.
    Before he had speed, strength and speed have today! is complete ..

  4. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho Soccer? Same goes to you, you don’t know shit. Pato is the fastest? it’s Theo Walcott, Arjen Robben, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne and RvP, point is proven. Stfu.

  5. sjurinho

    @RMadridMilan im not a milan fan and that was not a dive. he bumps into patos legs. Patos legs then cross each other and he trips. Its clearly a foul. and he wouldnt have dived when he is one on one with the goal keeper

  6. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho Go kill yourself please, I know you are failing at life miserably, why are you taking your anger over the internet and starting shit against other people? Have you seen Ibra play at all? His goal vs Roma when he outran the defender? His goal vs Real Madrid in el classico for your little precious Barca which gave him on loan for Milan? Ibra at his prime brought magics into this game, Pato could become better, but he is not better than Ibra right now. It’s a fact, even Pele has said it.

  7. sjurinho

    @RMadridMilan lol. we will see what happenes this year bro. inter 5-2. 😛 Anyway, Pato made him get a red card. that is crucial too. And Ibra would never been able to run past chivu as patos speed is incredible

  8. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho I thought you would be some Spanish folk who supporting Barca and football, I didn’t know you are from Norway, no point to argue then, they’re pathetic.

  9. sjurinho

    @RMadridMilan a dive isnt an opinion dumshit. its a reality. if it is contact and gets him out of balance then it is a foul. You are so smart. thinking these test is reality. Wonder why fabregas was top 10 fastest in PL when he is the slowest player out there. so yeah, your fucking dum. your a moron. but you know, you cant help it.

  10. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho Still, if it was Ibra, he would at stand up and try to score the goal. Get outta here you Barca fan, stop feeling sore because Inter whoop you last year.

  11. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho He’s old now, at his prime, he is extremely fast, look at his goal vs Milan and Roma. Pato never got that speed.

  12. leonelazul

    When I was a child…my hero and the reason why I support Milan now a days was #7 Shevchenko, when he left Milan to go to Chelsea I was complety destroy, then I hear his #7 was going to be use by a kid call Pato, I was kind of sad because of that, but I cant think on a better player to wear this #7….Forza Milan Pato eres grande!!!

  13. Suhzjeck10

    @sjurinho Sjurinho, he’s right, Pato is no where near Ibra’s level, and Ibra at his prime was WAY faster than Pato. You surely got owned real hard there.

  14. sjurinho

    @RMadridMilan you really think Ibra is faster than Pato? then you dont know shit. Pato may be the fastest soccer player out there, with walcott and some others

  15. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho You know what? Just shh, don’t even bother to say anything, you’re making yourself looks bad. I am basing on the speed records here, it’s a fact. Pato is not the top 5, get over it, what a moron, just shh, don’t even bother to argue. my mistake if that wasn’t a dive, although it looks like it was, people has their own opinion. Pato is great, but he isn’t as fast as the top 5 players, which is Robben, Walcott. Ronaldo, Wayne and RvP. Check at footylounge, dummy.

  16. MajorNuttela14

    @RMadridMilan YOU SPRINT THAT FAST. if a fly touches you your gonna drop! its not a dive, chivu couldnt slow down. and put his arms up but knew he was gonna colide with patigol. no dive, he got nicked and chivu was rightfully sent off

  17. Rammsteinn8Italia

    @Suhzjeck10 dude ibra in his prime was world class. no debate. but pato hasn’t reached his prime yet. and i think when he reaches it he will get the golden ball. which ibra never did 😛

  18. RMadridMilan

    @sjurinho Sorry, speak English then talk, your spelling is horrible, don’t even bother to type, LMAO. Fabregas is not a slowest player, he is not fast, but his acceleration is superb when he has the ball in his feet. Point is proven, Learn how to use a comma, period or how to spell. Now why don’t you go back to your little precious camp nou and kill yourself. A dive is an opinion, some might think Ronaldo dive against Brazil, some think he did not. So therefore it is an opinion, LMAO u’r.funny