
  1. porscheippo

    Dovevi spaccargli le gambe a quel finto italiano di Thiago Motta… grande cmq Mark, spero che anche l’anno prossimo tu possa restare con noi…

  2. littlemorella

    Sorry, for me, MvB is a dirty player + a big idiot! Maldini got only 4 red cards in his career. MVB almost get this number in 6 months. I cannot praise a player like that!

  3. supaFLYcc

    He fucks everyone up. Stands on his opponents and shit. But always plays innocent. You gotta love that! Since he came, milan got less goals against.

  4. Hdiddy4

    Grande Mark! At first I was sceptical to him, due to him playing so rough.
    But he’s really improved his game more at Milan, and he’s fantastic!
    Wouldn’t mind him extending, of course only if Pippo, Nesta and Pirlo for example also extends. Legends.
    Forza Milan!